Large Scale Group Decision Making: Analysis and Challenges for Consensus Models

Luis Martínez López

University of Jaén, Jaén, Spain

Abstract: Consensus reaching processes play an increasingly important role in the resolution of group decision making problems: a solution acceptable to all the experts participating in a problem is necessary in many real-life contexts. A large number of consensus approaches have been proposed to support groups in such processes, each one with its own characteristics, such as the methods utilized for the fusion of information regarding the preferences of experts. Given this variety of existing approaches in the literature to support consensus reaching processes, this talk considers two main objectives.

Firstly, it is revised and introduced a taxonomy that provides an overview and categorization of some existing consensus models for group decision making problems defined in a fuzzy context, taking into account the main features of each model.

Secondly, taking into account that classical models focus on solving group decision making problems where few decision makers participate, but nowadays, societal and technological trends that demand the management of larger scales of decision makers, such as e-democracy and social networks, add a new requirements to the solution of consensus-based group decision making problems, such as:

  1. The development of agent based models to deal with many decision makers.
  2. Increase the convergence of the consensus process keeping decision makers sovereign.
  3. Mechanisms to detect decision makers’ non-cooperative behaviours in consensus, which might bias the consensus reaching process.
  4. And monitoring tools to evaluate easily the evolution of the consensus process.

Biography: LUIS MARTíNEZ is currently a Full Professor with the Computer Science Department, University of Jaén, Jaén, Spain. He is also Visiting Professor in University of Technology Sydney, University of Portsmouth (Isambard Kingdom Brunel Fellowship Scheme), and in the Wuhan University of Technology (Chutian Scholar).  He  has been main researcher in 19 R&D projects, also has published more than 280 papers in journals indexed by the SCI and more than 200 contributions in Inter/national Conferences related to his areas. His current research interests include multi-criteria decision making, fuzzy logic-based systems, computing with words and recommender systems. He was a recipient of the IEEE Transactions on fuzzy systems Outstanding Paper Award 2008 and 2012 (bestowed in 2011 and 2015, respectively). He is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems and an Associate Editor of the journals, including the Information Sciences, Knowledge Based Systems, Information Fusion. He is IFSA Fellow 2021, senior member of IEEE and of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology.  Eventually, he has been appointed as Highly Cited Researcher 2017-2023 in Computer sciences.